probably spend a third of your life spent in your bedroom, so it makes sense to
create a healthy sleeping environment. You don't want to be spending one third
of your life in a sea of toxic filth, when you could be enjoying a healthy,
comfy retreat. Even when your bedroom looks neat, clean, and orderly, you will
be surprised at how much of a health risk it can
hold within its walls. Here are some ways by which you can create a healthier
sleep haven:
- Reduce sleep distractions: If you want better and longer sleep, reduce technological distractions in your room. If you can, ditch the flat screen TV and leave other gadgets in the den. Move your phone, laptop, and computer stations away from your night table to avoid exposure to radio frequency and EMFs (electromagnetic fields). Go easy on the nightlights and install shutters in your windows of your room gets glare from the streetlights. Melatonin, the hormone responsible for your sleep-wake cycle is secreted during the night in response to darkness and light interferes with its production.
- De-toxic your beddings: You will be surprised to know that your bed can be the biggest health risk in your bedroom. The memory foam pillow/mattress you enjoy is made of materials that emit VOCs (volatile organic compounds) that may cause all kinds of health issues. Go organic to make your sleep environment healthier. Many great organic products ranging from mattresses to pillows, covers, and other beddings are available from trusted manufacturers.
- Say goodbye to dust mites: If you ever wonder why traditional mattresses double their weight after years of use, you have dust mites to blame. Dust mites excrete a protein in their feces, which can trigger allergies. This all the more reason to switch to naturally dust-mite resistant organic beddings.